Tuesday, September 17, 2013


 The Hermana's at the Temple

Hermanas Driesel, Miller and Draper
Hola Familia!
What a great week it has been! Dad, you are right, the time is going waaay too fast, but it is so great. This week we saw a lot of miracles, and also had some great experiences!
Well, to address the subject of this email, this past week was our Temple week! So we got a chance to go. I just love the temple, I am so grateful to live in the boundaries! It is such a blessing that the authority has been restored, and that we can do those saving ordinances for those who no longer can. The other day someone asked us, "why is family history such a big deal for the Mormons?". Well, what a perfect question that has so many important answers! Plan of Salvation, authority, temples, everything! I am so excited for you to work at the temple dad! That is so awesome. I LOVE THE TEMPLE. Families are forever, people! Why wouldn't family history be a big deal!! That is something we are working with Elisa on right now. When we found her, and as we were teaching her I knew that it was her parents that had helped us there, and so it is really something she wants to do for them since they are just waiting!
Anyway, another miracle, remember the Pakistan family that we ate with? Well we saw her again and she wanted us to come back, we couldn't that day, but we told her we would the next day. When we stopped by the mission office, we were trying to find if they had a Book of Mormon in Urdu, but they didn't. So we went over to visit them anyway and just planned to sing some hymns and try to communicate a story, when all of the sudden Saobaluz brings out this blue book with gold writting... I flip it open, and there is the picture of Joseph Smith, and Lehi on the boat, and I realized, SHE HAD A BOOK OF MORMON IN URDU! Some where in the past, other missionaries had given them a book in their language. The Lord prepares his people! We are working to find a member that also speaks Urdu, but how amazing is that?
Another awesome miracle; so about a month ago we met this nice young man named Felipe. We had set up an appointment with him, and unfortunately he wasn't there. Well, on Saturday we were over in the same apartment complexes again trying to contact another potential investigator and we felt that we should try Felipe again. Well, a Hispanic lady answered the door and we asked if Felipe was home, she said he didn't live there. We explained the story and she said that she had only lived in that apartment for two weeks. So we explained that we were missionaries and asked if she would be willing to listen to a brief message about the restored gospel and she invited us right in! We had a super awesome lesson about the restoration and she really seemed interested. She ended up telling us that actually the missionaries down in El Salvador had visited her a few times, but then they moved to the states. WOW. Can you believe how the hand of God works! So many little things. First off, we met Felipe, and he gave us the apartment number, and hopefully other missionaries can find him to where ever he moved to, but he led us to find this other woman who is SO prepared to receive the gospel!! We have a cita with her and her family tonight (p.s. they have an 8 year old), so I will let you know how it goes! I just can't get over how amazing the plan of God is with every little detail that goes into everything in the world. We joke that God must have a huge transfer board to make sure that everyone can be in the exact right place at the right time, if they are listening!
Well, there are a few brief stories, I apologize if they don't make any sense... but I am so happy! I am so happy to be out here and to be able to meet so many of the Lord's wonderful children! One idea that I think is interesting is that we say often "the marked generation". You know, the most righteous that were saved to come down at this time. Well, if you think about it, EVERYONE in the world right now is a part of that marked generation. Not just ones born into the church, not just ones in the church, not just missionaries, no, no it is everyone! Everyone that is down here right now was righteous in their first estate, some have just lost their way, and just need some help to remember!
I love you all, thank you so much for the support! I love Texas. I love the people here. I love the Gospel. It's just a great combination. :)
les quiero,
Hermana Draper

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