Wednesday, August 14, 2013


 The Sisters with Hermana Osio after the Tortilla making class....

Hola Familia! 
Sounds like everything is going great out there! That's how it is here too! Great things are happening. It is sort of overwhelming on Mondays to sit down to try and think of just a few things that I can share from the whole past week!! But, I will try and organize a few of my thoughts…
 Well, starting with last Monday. The week before we had set an appointment with a guy we found walking in the street. He told us his name and his apartment number. Well, we went by last Monday for the appointment that we had set, knocked on the door and another guy answered. We asked him if Javier was home… he said that he was Javier... okay, crazy because it wasn't the same person! Well I just said, well then Javier, one of your friends thinks that you could really be blessed from our message! After that we had a super awesome restoration lesson. He had told us about how he was looking for direction in his life, and what better place to find it that in the gospel of Jesus Christ! It is funny how God can even use others to guide us to those people who are ready and willing to hear the message of the restored gospel!
The next night, we had a noche de hogar at one of the menos activos houses. They had planned on inviting a friend, but unfortunately, they didn't show up. Nevertheless, we watched the testaments and it was super good. To be honest, I am not a huge fan of the movie, only because it isn't a real story, but the power behind the message is undeniable. I cry every time at the end when Christ heals the father. And so did the hermana that we were visiting. We had a really amazing testimony at the end and she said a phrase that has just be ringing in my head que "quiero vivir en una manera para mostrar que El no murio en vano para mi"... Basically, I want to live in a way to show that He didn't die in vain for me. To show that His sacrifice isn't in vain. That it is so appreciated, and that we are taking advantage of it. I just can't even imagine how it would feel to see people not taking advantage of the gift He has given. It’s like when you are super excited to give someone a present, and they don't give the reaction that you were looking for but on a much larger scale!! Man, the atonement and His grace is something that I haven't even begun to comprehend. It is so much more infinite and far reaching that we can even imagine. I think about a talk I heard in the MTC how it is true that God can only trust His work in the hands of 19 years olds because of the Atonement; because our weaknesses are made strengths. Well, there is my soapbox, but I just am so grateful that I am able to learn and share this great message of hope! (also... read 1 corinthinans 15:9-10, probably my favorite scripture about grace).
Another miracle that we had was when we were going through the area book. We were looking through past investigators and we found a family that caught our eyes. Well, we have been knocking on their door the past couple of weeks and it seems like every time we go they are on their way out the door, or not home. Well, the other day we were just in the area and we decided to try again. The dad answered, and he let us right in! We started talking about their experience with the church, and it turns out it was nearly five years ago that the muchachos had visited them. They didn't have a lot of time, but we were able to talk about what a blessing the Book of Mormon is and share a scripture. The family all seemed quite excited about learning more, and we have another appointment to visit them later this week! It shows that sometimes the seeds need to be planted, and who knows if in five years other missionaries will be able to harvest.
Well, I feel like there are so many other things that I have to say, but I guess that is all for right now. Scott, you would be so proud, I am slowly learning how to cook authentic Hispanic food. The other day one of our members taught us how to make tortas de papa... they are so good. As she says, we have to learn que podamos ser buenas esposas despues de la mision!
Well... I love you all so much! I hope that you have a great week! I can hardly believe summer is already winding down! I think it goes by faster out here that it does at home!
Make good choices!! Remember who you are and all you stand for!
Reemplace miedo con fe!
Les Quiero,
Hermana Draper

 Saobaluz, George and Sam. The Pakistani/Indian family.

Why yes... It really is a Triple Wide...

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