Monday, May 27, 2013



  • buenas dias mi buenisima familia!‏

Hola hola hola!
 Another week has come and gone and I can hardly believe it! It has been an awesome week though! So as I said, we go finding a lot! We are constantly trying to increase our teaching pool. My "motto" for this week has jokingly been the words of good ole Alma.. "Oh that I were an Angel".. .Seriously. We talk to so many people and sometimes I just wish I could force them to see how this is going to bless their lives… but as it says in Alma that's a totally vain desire because people have agency. So anyway… but we still have the chance to talk to so many people that are so ready and are so willing to accept it! Remember the man from the "miracle bladder story"? Well we got to meet with him and he was actually in the middle of mowing his lawn when we walked up, and he just turned it off and said it could wait and gathered up his family to listen! The lesson went really well and the spirit was really strong. Even all the little kids kept interest for the most part! At the end he said that he really needed to figure out for himself the truth (obviously) because his family is Catholic and don't really approve of the Mormons, so we will keep praying for soft hearts!
Then actually another interesting opportunity we had was yesterday. We met this individual when knocking a few weeks ago and he said he didn't have time right then but he would have time in 15 days…  very exact. So obviously we wrote down his information and returned in 15 days! We went over and he started the lesson saying "so what is the big difference between you and Catholics". Well, we never like to sit there and point out the differences, we just like to teach in the correct way, so we had a prayer and then as we started on the restoration and how God gives us families and he came right out and said so what do you believe about marriage? because mine is "solo en la tierra" meaning only on the earth. Well! What an awesome opportunity to introduce temples and how we have the proper authority of God to seal families for time and for all eternity! After that he seemed very interested in our message. Again, like everyone he said he was Catholic and it would be hard to change, but him and his wife said they want to keep learning and we have another appointment this week.
Okay, I don't have a lot of time, but I did want to share one more story about the most amazing 15 year old girl. So we knocked on her trailer one day and right off the bat she seemed pretty interested. So we had a return appointment for this past Saturday. We walked up and she was sitting there with a bunch of her friends and cousins. I thought she was going to tell us to come back another time but she told all her friends that they should stay and listen! The lesson went so good and they loved that Joseph Smith was close to their age when he found the truth too. We have another appointment tonight with them so hopefully it can keep going so well!
Well, I love you all so much! Thank you for the love and support. I am so lucky to have such incredible people in my life. I hope that everything is going well, I pray for you all the time. Remember that when you trust in the Lord he will direct thy paths. So reemplaze miedo con fe!
Te quiero,
Hermana Draper

 Junior, the cat and Hermana Gato...

"With my Homegirl, Idaly..."

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