Sunday, July 14, 2013


Hola! Como ha andado?
Yes.. it has been another week already! I can't even believe it! This week we started the new transfer and I can't even believe how quickly time is flying! But what a crazy 6 weeks it was! I feel like we just jump into an accelerator or something and you just try to pick up every little thing along the way! Make the most of every second, because I won't ever have "my first transfer in the field" again! Crazy!
But anyway. This week was really great! Now to update you on last weeks miracle… So the lady that we met after the baptism at the members house... well we had set up a noche de hogar for last Tuesday right? Well when we called the member that day to see if it would still work she said that her friend couldn't come!! We were so sad! But we asked if we could still stop by and visit them and they said yes. So then... okay this might be confusing, but I will try and explain it clearly, because it really was crazy. Our 5:00 appointment fell through so we tried to visit the Young Womens president to talk about some jovens that we are working with and she didn't respond until 6:00 to say we could come over, but 6:00 is our finding hour (power hour) and so we asked if we could come at 7:00 and she said yes. So we started talking and one of the young women is a daughter of the family we were visiting that night, then it turns out that the president the girls mom's visting teacher… so she asked if she could come visit with us! Well, of course, we always like to help with unity in the ward so she bought a cake and visited with us. Then, when we got there, their friend was there!! She wasn't going to be able to come, but then she was there and we were so happy! So we ended up doing the noche de hogar after all and taught about the Restoration and watched the short version of the video. The spirit was so strong there. She really took it all in, and having the young womens president there, as well as her family friends, it was a really nice environment. They all shared really powerful testimonies. It is always nice to have member present because it is always great to hear it from someone other than a missionary. Well, then we invited her to say the prayer and she willingly accepted, and the second she said ‘padre celestial’ she broke down into tears. It was one of the most heartfelt prayers I had ever heard. You could tell that she really knew who she was talking to, and maybe she hadn't done that in a long time. The night all in all was a miracle. As we looked back and tried to trace the steps, it was amazing to see how Heavenly Father really knows exactly what to do to make everything fall right into place.
Then, the day after that we had a dinner appointment set up with some of the greatest people, and when we got there their daughter had invited a friend to the dinner! He had never talked to missionaries or really heard much about Christ in general. We taught the restoration and you could tell he was just trying to soak it all in, the huge fire hose that we were spraying at him. But at the end he had said, ‘I wish that my parents would talk about stuff like this, I love to learn about Christ’. We gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon and I think it may have really opened the door for him to have those discussions with his friend. I just love sharing this gospel that is often taken for granted!
This week was a bit crazy. We did go finding a lot. We had lots of appointments fall through, but usually that is just a blessing in disguise because we are able to find someone else that needs our message at that moment.
I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a missionary! Thank you for all the love and support! I am so excited for all of my friends who are out in the field now!
Well... I love you so very much. Remember who you are and all you stand for. Make good choices. Return with honor. Reemplace miedo con fe! (yes.. I did make the humbling discovery this week in language study that it is reemplace, not reemplaze.. it does come from the verb reemplazar, but when it is congugated in command form.. blah blah blah.. glad after 3 months I finally learned how to spell my motto correctly! :))
les quiero,
Hermana Draper.

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